Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Ender's Game (Log #5)
What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

There are numerous allusions to loss of innocence, especially childhood innocence. There is a certain tone of hopelessness in the novel that triggers emotion. It portrays the continuous betrayals and sacrifices that people make for their own benefit, not just in the book but also in real life. I think it really reveals how reality is not necessarily a fairy tale with a happy ending, and how young people are easily influenced and tricked in a dishonest way, just being used.
posted by Anonymous @ 5:15 AM   3 comments
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Ender's Game (Log #4)

What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of the novel was when Ender thought he was being put to the test with a 'final exam', to see if he was worthy of being the ultimate leader. Little did he know that what he had done all this time, fighting on the simulator, was actually real. The 'final exam' was in fact the last battle of the third invasion, and despite the fact that passing the final exam was not his main concern, he successfully killed all the remaining buggers and won the war. He was shocked when he found out that what he had done was real, not just a game, and the killed the buggers without being aware of it. Everyone then praised him and he became a hero, but Ender doesn't feel the same. I was quite surprised at this myself, as I thought this was just a preparation, and I wouldn't have been able to predict it. But it does make sense and surprising as it was, I am glad for it.

posted by Anonymous @ 3:47 AM   1 comments
Ender's Game (Log #3)
What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?
There are various moods in this novel, but overall I think it's pretty sombre. The book portrays the exhaustion that comes with ambitious effort and determination. It also reveals the reality that the world is, in truth, harsh, not full of love and compassion. Many parts in the book show continuous lying, cheating, and unfairness that people create for their own profit, with little care of what harm might occur to achieve it, and it relates to many situations going on in the world today. This novel does not beat around the bush, but makes each point and is bluntly frank about it. At one point I almost felt that the novel felt a little apocalyptic, not necessarily in a supernatural sense, but involving humans and the continuous revolutionary changes that grow in the world, and in science fiction this mood seems to be more evident and substantial. There are some pessimistic tones in the novel, but in the end optimistic hope starts to grow. What I find saddening is what Ender has been through to fight a war that should never have taken place, but happened because of misunderstanding between humans and the buggers. Something else that is strikingly saddening is the lack of childhood and innocence and how the minds of such young children has been plagued with deception and lies and have had to endure things against their will.
posted by Anonymous @ 3:13 AM   3 comments
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