Monday, January 22, 2007
Ender's Game (Log #2)
Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful?

"And the character of Demosthenes gradually took on a life of his own. At times she found herself thinking like Demsthenes at the end of a writing session, agreeing with ideas that were supposed to be calculated poses. And sometimes she read Peter's Locke essays and found herself annoyed at his obvious blindness to what was really going on. Perhaps it's impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be." -p.231, Ender's Game

This passage in the novel rings very true to me in a many ways. Whether it is Valentine, the genius child of twelve voicing her calculated opinions under the pseudonym of 'Demosthenes', or just any regular twelve-year-old lying about her life and her opinions to hide who she really is, the boldface phrase above applies to both of them. The truthful fact that as so many people at one point pretend to be someone, or something else, their false personalities might as well take over their true identities. Why? It may be done for a number of reasons, like hiding weaknesses or fears, trying to gain power(like Peter), concealing one's true nature (in Valentine's case, her age mainly), or try and push away something you don't want to accept about yourself, and this phrase shows that it may be impossible NOT to become what you so often pretend to be. Ultimately, someone can get so used to being who they pretend to be, they lose their original identity. The falseness of a fake character can get carried away, and like what it says in the passage, take a life of its own. I find this passage to be meaningful and significant because it really portrays the reality of being 'fake' in a straightforward, blunt way. Could a made-up identity grow and grow so it dominates your deeper, inner self until one starts to believe and convince oneself that it is who they really are? I think it may also hint at the importance of being true to yourself. Whatever the 'false identity' may be, you may fool everyone else, and nobody will ever know, but are you really fooling yourself?
posted by Anonymous @ 4:14 PM  
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