Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Ender's Game (Log #3)
What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?
There are various moods in this novel, but overall I think it's pretty sombre. The book portrays the exhaustion that comes with ambitious effort and determination. It also reveals the reality that the world is, in truth, harsh, not full of love and compassion. Many parts in the book show continuous lying, cheating, and unfairness that people create for their own profit, with little care of what harm might occur to achieve it, and it relates to many situations going on in the world today. This novel does not beat around the bush, but makes each point and is bluntly frank about it. At one point I almost felt that the novel felt a little apocalyptic, not necessarily in a supernatural sense, but involving humans and the continuous revolutionary changes that grow in the world, and in science fiction this mood seems to be more evident and substantial. There are some pessimistic tones in the novel, but in the end optimistic hope starts to grow. What I find saddening is what Ender has been through to fight a war that should never have taken place, but happened because of misunderstanding between humans and the buggers. Something else that is strikingly saddening is the lack of childhood and innocence and how the minds of such young children has been plagued with deception and lies and have had to endure things against their will.
posted by Anonymous @ 3:13 AM  
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